Prof. Dr. A. Barbaros Başeskioğlu: "1 in 6 people with varicocele requires surgical intervention"

ANTALYA - Stating that varicocele is one of the most common diseases in society, Prof. Dr. Secretary General of the Minimally Invasive Urology Association. Dr. A. Barbaros Başeskioğlu said, "It occurs around 16 percent in the society. A disease that appears so frequently does not need treatment so frequently. Only one in every 6 patients requires treatment. After the surgery, patients can go home on the same day. If you catch the right patient, the rate is 65 percent." "You enable her to have children," he explained. The 7th National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, organized by the Minimally Invasive Urology Association, was held in Antalya. While 52 video presentations and 113 oral presentations sent by various clinics in Turkey were accepted at the congress, they were presented to the participants and experienced teachers in an interactive environment for three days. "Unfortunately, there is no natural treatment." At the congress, it was stated that varicocele is one of the most common diseases in society. Prof. Secretary General of the Minimally Invasive Urology Association stated. Dr. A. Barbaros Başeskioğlu said, "It causes sperm parameters to deteriorate due to the expansion of the vessels coming to the facility. It is seen in around 16 percent in the society. A disease that appears so frequently does not need treatment so frequently. Only one in every 6 patients requires treatment. We expect this, especially after sports activities. We seek treatment for patients who have pain or have had unprotected intercourse and have not had children. What are the most common problems we see in patients with varicocele? It is seen as a decrease in sperm count and deterioration in sperm motility and shape. Unfortunately, there is no natural treatment. That's why we need to be careful. We don't have anything to say that the surgery will be 100 percent successful. Sperm parameters can usually be improved after the surgery in 65 percent," he said. "Patients can go home on the same day." Başeskioğlu stated that varicosal surgery is not a major surgery for them. They can go home the same day. This is what we want from the harvests. We do not want patients to immediately stand up and return to their daily activities. No matter what incision you make, even if it is an incision of approximately 1-1.5 centimeters, a negative situation that may occur there can cause pain in patients later. "We want patients to rest," he said. "Only one in 6 patients needs surgery." Referring to the vitamins sold on the internet for treatment, Başeskioğlu said, "Abuse is everywhere. There is also a lot of abuse in this stone disease. It is debatable how effective those vitamins are. In fact, these are things shown in completely individual cases. When we apply this to the whole society, we may be making 99 out of 100 patients use it unnecessarily. Careful patient selection and what to apply to which patient is very important. Do we perform so many surgical procedures when varicocele can be seen in roughly one in six men? No. Only 1 in 6 patients needs surgery. If you try to operate on all of them, you will have to operate on the remaining 5 additionally. Varikosal is important to us. "If you catch the right patient, you can have a child with a 65 percent rate," he said. "Sperm parameters have decreased in the last 10-20 years." Pointing out that sperm counts have decreased in recent years, Başeskioğlu said, "Nowadays, radiation is everywhere. There are no direct studies showing this. But it is very difficult to say that he is not affected by these. Undoubtedly, many patients are affected by these. This is perhaps the biggest group that we could not factor into. Sperm parameters have decreased in the last 10-20 years. "It is not possible to say that the effects of radiation, including these widespread phones, will not have a negative effect," he said.

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